Join the Conversation

Welcome to WorldStartup, where voices like yours shape the dialogue on the dynamic intersection of entrepreneurship and sustainability. We're not just a platform; we're a community of changemakers, united by the common goal of creating positive, lasting change.

Whether you're an expert, entrepreneur, or simply passionate about making a difference, we invite you to contribute your insights to our platform. We value diverse perspectives and informed opinions, believing that together, we can pave the way to a better future.

What We're Looking For

Our content spans a range of formats, from short news blurbs highlighting impactful events to in-depth analyses of regenerative economy models.

Here are some examples of the types of contributions we welcome:

  • Short news articles on current topics
  • Topic deep dives, research summaries, or opinion pieces
  • Interviews with experts and entrepreneurs driving change
  • Practical guides to implementing sustainable practices
  • Book reviews on relevant topics.

Themes We Embrace

Our content reflects our commitment to key themes such as regenerative economy, diversity, decolonization, and the emergence of "zebras" and commons-based approaches.

Our Publishing Process

When you submit an article, our editors review it for clarity and alignment with our values. We'll ensure your sources are cited appropriately and may lightly edit your work for style.

Before submitting, take a moment to browse our site and familiarize yourself with the content we feature in each category.

Tips for Elevating Your Writing

  • Keep your audience in mind by focusing on what would interest them.
  • Be concise; say more with fewer words.
  • Use simple language and sentence structures.
  • Break up your text with headings and paragraphs.
  • Make your content easy to skim with bulleted lists.
  • Include high-quality images or infographics to enhance your points.

Ready to Join Us?

If you're ready to share your ideas and contribute to the conversation, submit your article by clicking the button below. Be sure to include images and sources, a short bio (max 100 words), and a high-quality profile picture of yourself (max 1 MB).