Starting a new venture involves risks and uncertainties. Many early-stage startups fail to unlock their full potential because they lack guidance, mentorship, and resources.

When you join Basecamp, you unlock access to various tailored resources and experts that will help you navigate product development until you reach the Minimum Viable Product (MVP)stage. Utilise the impact mentor community for the best guidance and expand your network. Last but not least, you will become part of a large community of like-minded changemakers that support each other on their journey.

Choose Your Path

You can select one of the 2 options that suit your needs best. We advise to purchase the yearly plan for best experience. You can cancel the subscription any time.

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€ 150/Month

Billed Monthly

€ 1.500/Year

Billed Annualy

Enrol for this Programme if...

  • You're an aspiring impact entrepreneur seeking tangible progress in your startup journey.

  • You desire individualised guidance and support to unleash your maximum potential.

  • You are dedicated to creating a meaningful impact and contributing to a fair and sustainable future through your impactful venture.

  • You want to join a community of like-minded changemakers who understand your challenges and can provide peer-to-peer support.

  • You're prepared to invest in your personal growth and success as an entrepreneur.

What others say...

The Basecamp Programme allowed me to get my business idea out of my head and in a form that makes sense, it allowed me to examine the viability of the idea and market. The resources and, most importantly, the mentor support provided by WorldStartup helped me focus and critically examine the idea.

by Dr. Sinead Hewson, Founder, Unconventional Doctorates

What You Will Get 

A sneak peek of resources you will get access to in this programme.

Map out your impact goals and create a clear strategy how to achieve them.

Equip yourself with the skills and knowledge needed to conduct comprehensive research.

Start your journey with a proper brainstorm set up that will lead you and your team to the best results.

Learn how to build the most effective and long-lasting team to ensure a successful journey.

Plan your journey with proven WorldStartup method applied by hundreds of changemakers Mountain of Tomorrow tool for roadmapping.

Explore essential techniques to identify, understand, and validate the problems your audience faces.

Delve deep into the essential techniques that empower you to gain valuable insights into the market dynamics.

Map out your stakeholders, prioritise them and create an outreach strategy.

Research and create the personas that will buy your product and find the best way to tailor it to their needs.

Learn how to build Sustainable Business Modes for your impact-driven venture.

Explore essential techniques of digital and physical prototyping and prepare to create your own prototype. 

Explore the core principles and techniques of testing, with a special emphasis on the Testing Plan Canvas.

Design a revenue strategy that fuels your business's success.

With the help of our Capital team you will create your investment and fundraising strategy.

Learn how to build your pitch, what to put into a pitch deck and how to best present your idea.

Meet Your Instructors

These and other experts will guide you through your impact journey.

Daniël Steginga

Daniël will help you to improve your business journey with personalised guides to unlock your full potential and bring positive change to the world.

Marjan De Jong
Marjan will help you define your desired impact and create clear indicators for measuring your impact.
Svitlana Khrystenko

Svitlana will guide you through the resources available in Basecamp and will teach you how to best use them.

Alice Pavin

Alice will navigate you through your funding journey uncovering for you all the possibilities and choosing the best option for you.

Jasmann Chhatwal

Jasmann will connect you to the impact mentor community and will find you the best match tailored to your needs.

Milena Ninova

Milena will help you with going through the entrepreneurial journey with mindfulness and sustainable mindset.


What makes Basecamp different from other incubator programmes?

Basecamp stands out with its impact-focused approach, combining tailored resources, mentorship, and a supportive community to guide you from ideation to MVP and beyond.

What kind of mentorship can I expect at Basecamp?

Basecamp offers a diverse pool of mentors, each with expertise in different aspects of impact entrepreneurship. They provide personalised guidance to address your specific challenges.

Is Basecamp suitable for solo entrepreneurs or only for teams?

Basecamp welcomes both solo entrepreneurs and teams. Our resources and community are designed to cater to the diverse needs of individuals and groups.

How can Basecamp help me if I'm struggling with funding my startup?

Basecamp equips you with insights on fundraising strategies, connects you with mentors experienced in securing funding, and offers valuable tips to make your venture more attractive to investors.